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Saturday, 3 November 2012


Hey Guys!
So studding and military are huge trends this season, and studs are pretty much everywhere in the high street, but studded clothes can cost a lot of money. By knowing how to stud clothes yourself you can save yourself LOADS of money, trust me! It's a very simple process and one that once you know how to do, becomes very easy although may take up some of your time!
What you will need is the piece of clothing that you want to stud which could be anything from denim to leather to cotton. I used a demin shirt from Oasis that I thought needed a bit of vamping up and so I decided I wanted to stud the collar! You will also need a pack of studs, a pencil and a blunt knife. I got my studs from Amazon and were about £7 for a pack of 50, so they do come pretty cheap. Here they are if you want to order them:

 The studs that I used are blunted tall studs but if you wanted to you could get the sharp, pyramid or star shaped studs that can also be ordered from Amazon. The studs with the two prongs are used for materials like denim and cotton(soft materials), where as studs are also available with a screw back that are used for leather:)
Firstly with your pencil you must plot out where you want your studs to be, but to be honest when you put the studs on, it doesn't have to be perfect as it adds to the look.
 As you can see I did one earlier (very Blue Peter) at the tip of the collar for practise, so in this example I am doing my second stud! You have to line up the prongs to the material to know where to put it and then push the stud through, hard! The denim in my case was quite hard to get through but you get used to it after a while:)

 Once the two prongs have completely made their way through, you take the blunt knife (nothing fancy, just one from the kitchen!) and push down on both of the prongs one at a time. Make sure you angle the prongs inwards so the studs definitely don't fall out!


 Once you have finished the first one and feel more confident you can carry on and do the rest of the studding. Here I just did the tips of the collar and didn't go the full way around but it's really up to you what you want to do!
 Here is the finished product with the half studded collar! It's such an easy process and something that will really save you loads of money, as I still have loads of studs left I can use on other things:) It's such a big trend this Autumn/Winter that it's something you have to give a go!

 Enjoy!! xxxx

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